Learning aim B: Produce promotional materials  


B1 Marketing Materials and Design


Marketing is more than just a poster or flyer; it is a collection of carefully thought out and consider items to create a picture and motivate the audience. It is part of the process of promoting. Promotion is making people aware of a product or event. Makes people of aware of services too and grow sales. It can introduce new fans too and connect with them, especially via video streams. This is called content marketing. I need to promote myself to get people interested in my services I can offer. The 4 key points or promoting a product are finding out the target audience, identifying the demographic, primary research, and secondary research. Hootsuite is a great way of conducting surveys to find out the target audience.


For market research I started with primary research by taking part in a group discussion. We looked at if people prefer buying vinyl, CDs or streaming and what age range they were in. We found out that older people are into vinyl more than younger people. We also found that young people like me prefer streaming although I do like physical copies of music.


Primary research is going out and getting the research yourself via surveys or polls, interviews, Q&As. Secondary is when someone has already done the research for you. You can pay to buy it too.


U have used Google Blogger because people use Google a lot, it is free, and it won’t be hacked easily. I have used it create Electronic Press Kit. It is quite easy to use and accessible. You can also customise the theme and layout on Blogger. I like to use it to create weekly posts about music I’ve listened to, been playing, or listing some of my favourite musicians.


An Electronic Press Kit is like a resume or CV for musical artists. It is for music agents to read and producers. Shows the talent of a musician. Get photos from social media, college performance video, studio recordings. Add contact information for clients to get hold of musicians. It can show off the taste of a musician, the type of music they have been listening to and how it made them feel.



The way I worked out what my own demographic was, was by performing at the first gig and looking at the audience. It was a lot of teenagers 16 - 19 years old, I also went to other local gigs to see what the target audience was there, and it is mostly the same. This is good as it helps me know what the best venues to perform with are and it also links with my networking as I can get to know a lot of the bands performing locally and play at the same venues with them with the same audience. At the basecamp gig there was also a lot of people aged 30 and up. One way to work out my target audience is by conducting a survey and asking people how old they are and seeing what the average age range was.


YouTube is a particularly effective way to promote my skills as it is a social media platform that most people to use to watch videos. Most people know how to use it and it also uses Google. Very easy to upload and share videos around and it is free. For example. BaseCamp Gig .


A social media platform I use to promote some of my bass playing skills is Discord. I have uploaded videos of myself playing few songs on there. Discord is very popular among teenagers, my target audience, so it can also help expand your network as well as promoting yourself and it is also free.


Soundcloud is one of the best ways to share your music online and can potentially get you money. I don’t currently have a Soundcloud as of right now, but I will get one once I start recording music. It is a free website to use, and anyone can upload their music on there.


I have used Blogger to host my blog and have created a page that is just for the EPK where I have included a couple of videos. The EPK includes details of my inspirations for my music career, when I began playing bass and the type of music I listen to. The promotional videos are the basecamp gig and the studio recording and a picture of me with my bass in the studio. There are also two lists I made, one of the songs I can play and my possible list of clients in the college and how I could help them.






My Logo I have put this on my blog and on my social media



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