B2 Gather feedback


B2 Gathering and Responding to Feedback


I need feedback from peers to help me know what they think of my work and where I should improve on it. Helps me get on the right track and helps me know what to add to my blog and if it is enjoyable to read. We started by just discussing our blogs and EPK’s then we had a specific session where we discussed the pros and cons of leaving and receiving feedback.


We used Padlet to share all our EPKs, the links to our blogs were posted on a Padlet page in the Teams group. Padlet can be used to share videos and song idea. We used Blogger, an easy-to-use website for our blogs. I am happy with the feedback given to me on the EPK, I need to create a music social media and link it to my EPK as I don’t really use much social media. I also need to add a logo to my blog. It was positive feedback about the layout of my blog and the contents. My feedback came from Jules, I gave feedback to Oli. Other people have also been able to see my blog and have left a few comments on my EPK and some of my blog posts, telling me what they think of it. There is a lot of positive comments on my blog.

Graphical user interface

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Surveys can be used to collect information from peers as a way of feedback as to what I can add to my work. They can also be used to ask fans of a band what they would like from the band and what the age range is. I wanted to try Survey Monkey but it costs to use it now so I did not use it


Checklists I can also use for myself to check off what I’ve done in my work correctly and to see what I need to add. I have used a checklist for my assignments to check off what I have completed for it so I know where I’m up to and so I know what I also need to complete.


The feedback Steve left on my notes has helped me finish my work and get it completed. It helps me know how well I’m doing and what I need to add to my work to get it up to good standards. I did a One-to-One tutorial with Steve to get feedback and it was recorded. He asked me what I wanted to do in the music industry in which I responded that I would like to be a performer in a live band as a bassist and become a session musician later. He then asked me about what I used for my EPK in which I used blogger. He asked me about my promotional material which is things such as the videos of the gigs, studio recordings, the blog and an Instagram account.

From the discussion I also realised I needed a logo for my EPK. We discussed about our class group discussions and the feedback I’ve received on my blog. One of the main things I got from the one to one was I need to improve my socials so I have started my social media presence my social media my first account will be an Instagram account.


One of things we checked out since Steve is a bassist was a bass player called Janek Gwizdala, a jazz bassist, and to upload my logo onto blogger and social media. This will help improve my promotional work as Janek Gwizdala has unfollowed everyone on social media and has a massive presence on the internet. I could use a couple of his ideas for my own promotional work. The discussion with my peers helped my blog too as I was given a lot of positive feedback and told to add my social media, which I am going to do as I plan to set up an Instagram account of me covering songs on bass and guitar which I’ve been learning recently.


I have finally created a logo for my EPK using https://www.freelogodesign.org/



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If I did not receive and act on feedback, I would not be able to progress in my work and know where I need to improve. Without constructive criticism I won’t be able to improve on my work and that could potentially lower the grade of my work.  






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